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You're invited to a neighbourhood fiesta!

Walk, roll or stroll down to Swallow Ct on May 5th anytime between 3:00 - 7:00. This is a great opportunity to meet neighbours while enjoying snacks and letting the kids burn some energy on the bouncy houses. Tak-Oh food truck will be on site with a delish menu so dinner will be a snap!

Everyone in the neighbourhood is welcome!


What to Expect

This is a casual gathering of neighbours with a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Thanks to our generous sponsors, there will be bouncy castles for the kids, yard games, snacks and beverages, music, prizes and more. Feel from to come for the whole time or drop in when you can.


Thanks to the gracious business owners right in our neighbourhood for providing amazing prizes and contributing to make this event possible! Click on the logos to find out more about the services they offer in our community.

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liz athans.webp


With the block party happening on Cinco de Mayo, we thought it would be fitting to have Tak-Oh food truck on site!

Stay Connected

Want to stay connected with neighbours after the party or see how you can help out before?

Join the Arbor View Exchange on
The Village App. It's a local sharing economy where neighbours can ask for a hand, offer free items or alert the area of things like suspicious activity. 

To Join:

  1. Sign Up for The Village App

  2. Request to connect with the Arbor View Exchange (My Village > Nearby Organizations)

  3. Become an active part of your community!

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